Shulei Ji bio photo

Be happy.☺️



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About Me

Here is Shulei Ji (吉姝蕾).

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Innovation Center of Yangtze River Delta and College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, advised by Prof. Kejun Zhang and Prof. Shouqian Sun.

I was a PhD student majoring in CS at Xi’an Jiaotong University, advised by Prof. Xinyu Yang.

If you are interested in any aspect of me, I would love to chat and collaborate, please email me at - shuleiji[at]zju[dot]edu[dot]cn

Research Interests

  • Aritificial Intelligence
  • Automatic Music Generation
  • Deep Generative Model

My current research focuses on automatic music generation using artificial intelligence techniques. My interests are on the Deep Generative Model and its applications in Intelligent Music Generation. Automatic music generation represents an innovative approach in advancing the field of music. I aspire to contribute my talents to this realm, aiming to introduce fresh opportunities and possibilities for music creation, education, and entertainment.

News and Updates

  • Dec 2023: One paper accepted by AAAI 2024!
  • Jun 2023: One paper accepted by IEEE SMC 2023.
  • May 2023: One paper accepted by TMM.
  • May 2023: One paper accepted by ACM Computing Surveys.
  • Feb 2023: One paper accepted by TNNLS.

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